Healthy Home Solutions
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Do-It-Yourself Tips
Kick Off Your Shoes: Up to 80% of the dirt that gets tracked inside-along with countless allergens, bacteria and lawn chemicals – can be caught before it makes itself in the home.
Keep Pollutants Out: Store chemicals, fertilizers and other toxic chemicals in the garage or in area with outdoor ventilation.
Dry Things Out: Clean and dry damp surfaces as soon as possible. Immediately fix any leaks in your home’s roof, walls or plumbing so mold does not have moisture to grow. By adding insulation to exterior walls and the attic, condensation can be prevented from forming, reducing the chance for mold to form.
Hardwood vs Carpet: Carpet and upholstery can harbor pollens and pollutants. Install or replace carpet with hardwood floors, when possible.
Run Fans: Use your range-hood fan when you cook and your bath fans after showers and baths. Fans reduce cooking-related air pollutants, including carbon monoxide and nitrogen dioxide and reduce moisture in bathrooms preventing mold and mildew from growing.
Air Purifier: Buy or install an air purifier. Purifiers can help control dust and allergens.