The insulation tax credit is a great opportunity to lower the cost of upgrading the insulation and air sealing in your Wisconsin home. You can save 30% of your eligible expenses, up to $1,200 per year, making it more affordable to create a comfortable home and lower monthly energy bills. But many homeowners are less […]
What is a Home Energy Audit?
Sometimes, when there’s nothing on the ‘to-do’ list, I like to load the family into the car and take a drive in whatever direction the car is facing. We go places we’ve never been, see things we would never otherwise see, and generally have an enjoyable time. When there’s a specific destination in mind however, […]
More than Insulation
At Home Energy Solutions of Wisconsin, our tagline ‘Comfortable Healthy Efficient’ is broad-reaching, and there’s a reason behind it: because we can do much more than air sealing and insulation for your home. From something as simple as fixing a squeaky door to remodeling an entire room, we can tackle almost any project on your list. We’re Problem […]
Comfortable is more than just a temperature
As part of our series about the tagline ‘Comfortable Efficient Healthy’, we’re diving into the non-insulation/energy efficiency ways Home Energy Solutions of Wisconsin can help you make your home a better place to be. This week we’ll show how we can help make your home more comfortable. Comfortable Means More Than Temperature Here’s an example of how […]
What your neighbors are saying about us...
READ MORE"Cannot believe how much longer the house stays cold, with AC hardly running at all. Was even able to raise room temperature and started those savings on the AC. Looking forward to winter and know we will enjoy the same extra warmth and savings! Best thing we ever did!"
- Mark Gorham
Improve Home Comfort. Save Money.