Home Energy Solutions | Healthy Home Solutions - Holistic Approach

A Holistic Approach to Energy Improvements. Not Just Insulation.

Healthy Home Solutions

Healthy Home Solutions

Is Your Home Making You Sick?

Home Energy Solution’s healthy home approach is a coordinated, comprehensive and holistic approach to preventing diseases and injuries that result from housing-related hazards, deficiencies and air quality issues usually caused by deficiencies in air sealing and proper insulation levels.

The term “healthy home” is commonly used today, but it’s not 100% clear what it means. Yes, we want everyone in our homes to be physically and mentally healthy—but how can the house itself be healthy? According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), a healthy home is a home that is “designed, built, renovated and maintained to support health” for its occupants.

More and more of our customers are concerned about their home’s overall environment. Toxins, pollutants, and other environmental factors are causing family members and pets to be sick and uncomfortable in the home.

Excess moisture in the home can cause mold and air quality issues which in turn could contribute to asthma, skin irritation, respiratory issues and allergic reactions. In fact, mold is one of the biggest, preventable, health risks you may encounter in your home.

Keeping your home at a consistent indoor temperature will reduce mold and other healthy home challenges. Air sealing and proper insulation levels is the key to making this possible.

Start with a Healthy Home Audit

The first step to making your home healthier is knowing what is causing the issues. A healthy home audit is an overall assessment of how everything in your home works together (or does not work together). Hiring a professional contractor with Building Performance Institute (BPI) certification, software tools and the knowledge and expertise to identify issues is the right first step.

Healthy Home Solutions Do-It-Yourself Tips

Kick Off Your Shoes: Up to 80% of the dirt that gets tracked inside-along with countless allergens, bacteria and lawn chemicals – can be caught before it makes itself in the home.

Keep Pollutants Out: Store chemicals, fertilizers and other toxic chemicals in the garage or in area with outdoor ventilation.

Dry Things Out: Clean and dry damp surfaces as soon as possible. Immediately fix any leaks in your home’s roof, walls or plumbing so mold does not have moisture to grow. By adding insulation to exterior walls and the attic, condensation can be prevented from forming, reducing the chance for mold to form.

Hardwood vs Carpet: Carpet and upholstery can harbor pollens and pollutants. Install or replace carpet with hardwood floors, when possible.

Run Fans: Use your range-hood fan when you cook and your bath fans after showers and baths. Fans reduce cooking-related air pollutants, including carbon monoxide and nitrogen dioxide and reduce moisture in bathrooms preventing mold and mildew from growing.

Air Purifier: Buy or install an air purifier. Purifiers can help control dust and allergens.

Check out our Education Center for more information.

Young Family Healthy Home

What your neighbors are saying about us...


"Cannot believe how much longer the house stays cold, with AC hardly running at all. Was even able to raise room temperature and started those savings on the AC. Looking forward to winter and know we will enjoy the same extra warmth and savings! Best thing we ever did!"

- Mark Gorham

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